Volume 16
Abstract: E-commerce retailers seek to use drone delivery services as an innovative last-mile delivery option. In addition to the challenges of implementing such innovative technologies, the mechanisms that influence Gen Zers who are digital natives to adopt such technologies is limited but necessary to understand to gain success in the early adoption of drone delivery services. Using the theoretical foundations of innovation diffusion and imitation theories, this study examines the mechanisms that influence an online consumer to switch from using a conventional truck delivery service to a less proven drone delivery service. Within this context we construct a psychometric-based research survey to collect our data and structural equation modeling is used for analysis. The findings suggest that the speed and compatibility of the drone delivery and 'the prevalent herding behavior among Gen Zers are significant predictors of their switching intention. Theoretical and practical implications are shared based on the findings of the study. Download this article: JISAR - V16 N3 Page 33.pdf Recommended Citation: Kaleta, J., Xie, W., Chen, C., (2023). E-Commerce Drone Delivery Acceptance: A Study of Gen Z's Switching Intention. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research16(3) pp 33-44. http://JISAR.org/2023-3/ ISSN : 1946 - 1836. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of CONISAR 2022 |