Volume 15
Abstract: Building web and mobile applications that quickly adapt to the language, currency, number formatting, etc., of different regions – called internationalization and localization – has become more critical for most companies since the Internet allows these applications to reach foreign customers easily. However, the high development and maintenance cost and negative performance impact are two significant problems for implementing internationalization and localization functionalities. This paper analyzes current solutions that are handling the internationalization and localization problem for web and mobile applications. The advantages and disadvantages of each approach are listed and compared. Based on the information from the analysis, a new system is designed to offer a better internationalization and localization solution with a low cost and a low-performance impact. Download this article: JISAR - V15 N2 Page 39.pdf Recommended Citation: Wang, P., Yoon, S., Chung, S., (2022). A Comparison of Internationalization and Localization Solutions for Web and Mobile Applications. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research15(2) pp 39-46. http://JISAR.org/2022-2/ ISSN : 1946 - 1836. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of CONISAR 2021 |