Abstract: This study aims to investigate the role of attitude on review valence (RV) as an antecedent of consumer reliance on review valence in the purchase decision of time-discounted search goods. Considering review credibility, diagnosticity, and effectiveness as determinants of consumer attitude in a time-constrained search and purchase environment, we follow the approach-avoidance conflict theory to examine the role of review valence and perceived uncertainty in a time-constrained environment. The data was collected through an online survey and analyzed using structural equation modelling. This study provides significant implications for practitioners as they can better understand how review valence can influence a purchase decision. Empirical analysis includes two contributions: 1. It helps to understand how consumer attitude toward review valence, when positively influenced by the determinants, can lead to reliance on review valence, further influencing purchase decision; 2. Time constrained purchase-related perceived uncertainty negatively moderates the relationship between consumer attitude and reliance on review valence. Download this article: JISAR - V15 N1 Page 11.pdf Recommended Citation: Muzumdar, P., (2022). The Effect of Review Valence on Purchase of Time-Constrained and Discounted Goods. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research15(1) pp 11-23. http://JISAR.org/2022-1/ ISSN : 1946 - 1836. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of CONISAR 2021 |