Journal of Information Systems Applied Research

Volume 11

V11 N2 Pages 4-12

August 2018

What’s “Appening” to our Privacy? A Students Perspective on Downloading Mobile Apps

Karen Paullet
Robert Morris University
Moon Township, PA 15108, USA

Adnan Chawdhry
California University of Pennsylvania
California, PA 15419, USA

David Douglas
Robert Morris University
Moon Township, PA 15108, USA

Joseph Compomizzi
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Rotan, FL 33431, USA

Abstract: Smartphones and mobile device sales continue to grow allowing mobile applications (apps) to develop in variety and usage. Mobile device users have downloaded over 225 billion apps and this number continues to grow. While there is an inherent benefit to our daily lives of having applications that are available at our fingertips or by the sound of our voice, they come with an associated and undiscussed cost of security and privacy issues. One must consider these risks, how they may impact our lives, and the best alternative of mitigating the risk with the balance of convenience. This study explores specific apps downloaded by end-users, the number of apps they download, and how they correlate to their awareness of mobile app security and privacy concerns. A total of 124 undergraduate and graduate students were surveyed at two mid-Atlantic Universities in both traditional and online programs. The study concluded that students download apps regardless of the security or privacy risks that are being exposed.

Keywords: application privacy, Apps, Mobile applications, mobile device, mobile security

Download this article: JISAR - V11 N2 Page 4.pdf

Recommended Citation: Paullet, K., Chawdhry, A., Douglas, D., Compomizzi, J. (2018). What’s “Appening” to our Privacy? A Students Perspective on Downloading Mobile Apps . Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 11(2) pp 4-12. http://jisar.org/2018-11/ ISSN: 1946-1836. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of CONISAR 2017)