Journal of Information Systems Applied Research

Volume 9

V9 N1 Pages 47-54

April 2016

Assessing Cultural Aspects of Organizations for Knowledge Management Initiatives

Justin David Fruehauf
Robert Morris University
Moon Township, PA 15108, USA

Dwayne Lehman
Robert Morris University
Moon Township, PA 15108, USA

Abstract: Managing organizational knowledge is a critical factor in the success of any institution. A key goal of knowledge management initiatives is to strengthen organizational culture. An appropriate culture must exist in the organziation for knowledge management initiatives to be successful. This paper represents a review of literature aimed at providing a strategy for the understanding of organizational culture in order to assist in the development of an effective knowledge- management plan. In particular, this paper will focus on the work put forth by Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal as well as Dave Logan, John King and Halee Fisher-Wright. The goal of this paper is to examine the similarities between the respective authors’ notions of organizational frames and the tribes that exist within organizations. It applies the concepts as a tool to address knowledge management barriers within organizations.

Keywords: knowledge, Knowledge Management , Organizational culture, Bolman and Deal Four Frames Model, organizational tribes

Download this article: JISAR - V9 N1 Page 47.pdf

Recommended Citation: Fruehauf, J. D., Lehman, D. (2016). Assessing Cultural Aspects of Organizations for Knowledge Management Initiatives. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 9(1) pp 47-54. http://jisar.org/2016-9/ ISSN: 1946-1836. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of CONISAR 2015)