Volume 5
Abstract: This paper explores the terms assigned by users to images for retrieval purposes in image databases. In order to determine how users conceptualize meaning for image retrieval, sixty-one participants provided potential retrieval terms for 40 images divided into 4 types of images. The categories include landscape, portrait, news, and city photography. The terms provided were analyzed for levels of meaning and relationships between terms supplied and the type of image described are explored. Results indicate significant findings in the level of meaning of terms assigned to images and relationships existed between the type of image viewed and the number and levels of terms provided. The implications for content and concept based retrieval schema are discussed. Keywords: concept based retrieval, content based retrieval, databases, image retrieval Download this article: JISAR - V5 N3 Page 40.pdf Recommended Citation: Schultz, L. A. (2012). Study of User Behavior in Image Retrieval and Implications for Content Versus Concept Based Access. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 5(3) pp 40-45. http://jisar.org/2012-5/ ISSN: 1946-1836. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of CONISAR 2011) |