Volume 5

V5 N3 Pages 4-11

July 2012

Outsourcing Best Practices

Dan Thomas Mikita
Grand Valley State University
Grand Valley, MI 49401, USA

Gerald DeHondt II
Grand Valley State University
Grand Valley, MI 49401, USA

Abstract: Outsourcing of a software project can have many benefits to an organization, but how to implement a successful outsourcing initiative can be very difficult. The decision to outsource a software project can provide many benefits to an organization, yet they may also incur several challenges. These can include items such as the interaction between current employees and the outsourcing service provider, the technological environment needed to successfully create the proper work environment, and total cost considerations. If executed properly, the outsourcing of a specific project can have a substantial gain in company growth and efficiency. Improper implementation can lead to total project failure and the loss of project resources. In spite of the challenges inherent with outsourcing, this strategy is fast becoming a popular solution to implementing corporate projects without endangering the jobs of current employees. This paper will investigate and suggest best practices that may be used to maximize the anticipated outcome of this endeavor while minimizing potential challenges.

Keywords: Information Technology outsourcing, Offshoring, Outsourcing, smart sourcing

Download this article: JISAR - V5 N3 Page 4.pdf

Recommended Citation: Mikita, D. T., DeHondt II, G. (2012). Outsourcing Best Practices. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research, 5(3) pp 4-11. http://jisar.org/2012-5/ ISSN: 1946-1836. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of CONISAR 2011)